Prabhakar Thota
Prabhakar Thota

Hello World 👋 I am Prabhakar Thota, Mobile Engineer, UI/UX with more than six years of experience in a broad range of industries such as e-commerce, digital transactions etc., I believe in the quote, "Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things". The quote inspires me to be always creative, innovative and a learner. Also, I have built multiple android apps on my own, one of which has over 4.5 million downloads. My passion lies in development and designing so I chose this Graphic, Web, Mobile(Android) and also Machine Learning and AI field where I can be creative, Innovative, a learner. As I work on my projects, I always look forward to including the new techniques that I have learnt from different sources and keep on improving my work and myself.

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Prabhakar Thota

Prabhakar Thota

Mobile Engineer, UI/UX. I believe in the quote, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” Happy Coding :)